Emerald City Trolls: Seattle Old School MtG

Event Rules

emerald city

Ragnarok: The Twilight of the Gods

An Old School(-ish) Magic Format

One-Time Special Event

Friday June 23, 2023

5-10PM Pacific (end time could vary)

Rules Status: LOCKED!

Ragnarok: The Twilight of the Gods Rules

The Twilight of the Gods is a special, one-time event scheduled to be played the Friday night of Ragnarok, a two-day Old School MtG event with a Norse Gods theme in Seattle, WA. Registration in The Twilight of the Gods is included as part of registration for Ragnarok. The Twilight of the Gods will be held at Rooftop Brewing, along the Lake Washington Ship Canal ("the Cut") on the north edge of Seattle's Queen Anne neighborhood, starting at 5PM. The first hour of drinks is included as part of the event. After that, you're on your own. There will also have a food truck on site with food for purchase. (Note: Saturday's main event, which is Swedish rules and US reprints, will be held at the Swedish Club starting at 10AM.)

Registration: Tolaria. All proceeds go to Mary's Place, a nonprofit whose mission is to help children who are the victims of trauma or abuse.

Trailer hyyyype: Ragnarok.

Confirmed artists for Saturday include Mark Tedin, Jesper Myrfors, Julie Baroh, Margaret Organ-Kean, Anthony S. Waters, and Nicola Beeson. Note that Saturday's main event is normal Swedish Old School, with US reprint rules (original art and original frame, any edition: Chronicles, FWB, FBB, Fourth Edition, Timeshifted, CE/IE all legal). Friday night is the only event with special rules.


  1. The Twilight of the Gods Overview
  2. The Twilight of the Gods: Rules
  3. Deck Construction
  4. Valhalla
  5. The Rainbow Bridge & Gods' Favor
  6. The Gods
  7. List of Favor & God Cards
  8. Asgard
  9. FAQ

The Twilight of the Gods Overview

Before ships, before swords, before man, there were the Gods. The Gods were many in the olden times, but the strongest among them, the true Gods, were the Gods of the North. Odin. Thor. Loki. Freya. Baldur. Heimdall. Freyr. Hel. Old, powerful, emotional, flawed. Yet not immortal. The Norse Gods are doomed to die, some at the hands of their fierce foe Surtr, some by other means. Yet it is foretold that all Gods must die, in the great final battle of Ragnarok, the Twilight of the Gods, so that the wheel may turn once more to new powers. Now, that great battle Ragnarok is at hand!

The Twilight of the Gods is a special Old School Magic variant in which you will sacrifice to the Gods, gain their favor, and summon them in avatar form to the battlefield. Creatures that die valiantly go to Valhalla, able to return to the world of the living as a ghost in pursuit of vengeance or unfinished tasks, or as a great hero ready to battle in the final climactic battle Ragnarok.

These rules are now FINALIZED. No further changes will be made.

The Twilight of the Gods: Rules

The Twilight of the Gods is a standard Swiss-style tournament (TBD: if it will include enough rounds to have a single undefeated player). Decks are constructed following the Swedish ruleset, with five additions:

  1. Valhalla: creatures (that aren't tokens, Artifacts, or Gods) that die due to spells, effects, or damage controlled by a player who isn't the controller of the creature go to Valhalla. A player may return creatures from Valhalla to play under certain circumstances. If a match heads into a dramatic final game 3, creatures from Valhalla may also begin the game in play.
  2. The Gods: players choose at least one God to be associated with their deck. The Gods you choose define basic land types that you must or must not include in your deck. By making certain sacrifices to their Gods, players make use of The Rainbow Bridge, a mechanic which gains them the favor of a God and eventually may allow them to put that God into play. Players receive specially printed God cards, as well as their associated Favor cards, for use during the tournament.
  3. Asgard, Home of the Gods: all players may include one copy of the special card Asgard, Home of the Gods (see below) in their deck. Asgard, Home of the Gods, is restricted.
  4. Instead of following standard Swedish reprint rules, players may use US-style reprint rules: any card featuring the original art and the original card frame is legal. (Unlike Saturday's event, there are no special prizes for playing fully Swedish legal printings on Friday.)
  5. City of Brass, Blood Moon, and Tawnos's Coffin are banned.

Deck Construction

All players must choose at least one of 10 Norse Gods to be associated with their deck. Each God has a positive relationship with one color of mana and a negative relationship with one color of mana. Your combined deck and sideboard must include at least one land with the basic land type that produces your chosen God(s) positive mana, and may not include any lands with the basic land type that produces your chosen God(s) negative mana. There is a chart at the bottom of this page which helps illustrate this. Cards called Favors represent your relationship with your chosen God(s), and you interact with Favor cards to both access the powers of your God(s), and eventually, summon them to the battlefield.

Gods and Favors are represented by special double sided cards (more details on the card specifics later). A player's choice of Gods and Favor card(s) is public information. Requirements about whether you must or must not include lands of a certain basic land types are asserted based on the contents of your deck and sideboard combined, i.e., you may not sideboard in different lands to change the set of Favor cards available to you.

The land restrictions imposed by Favor cards refer to basic land types, so dual lands are also affected. That means that if you choose a Favor card that says you cannot play Mountains, that also means you cannot play Volcanic Islands, Taigas, Badlands, or Plateaus. You may, however, play Hammerheim, Mox Ruby, or Fellwar Stone, all of which can still make red mana.


Valhalla is a new zone is represented by a large Planechase-sized card for flavor. Placing cards on top of this card is a helpful way to track which cards are in Valhalla.

If a non-token, non-Artifact creature or creature spell you both own and control would die, be exiled, or be countered due to:

then you may put a Valkyrie counter on it and place it in Valhalla instead. Creature cards with a Valkyrie counter gain the following ability: "Remove a Valkyrie counter from this card in Valhalla and pay its mana cost: cast a copy of this spell. Play this ability only any time you may play a sorcery." Recall that copies of permanent spells place tokens into play.

When a game ends, note any creature cards still in Valhalla with a Valkyrie counter on them, then shuffle all cards from Valhalla into their owner's decks (just as you would an exiled card). At the start of the third game in a match (before players draw their hands), each player may put a copy of each of their noted creature cards from games 1 and 2 in the match into play. (These tokens will be unaffected by summoning sickness because they will begin the first turn already in play.)

The Rainbow Bridge & Gods' Favor

The Rainbow Bridge is a special mechanic players may use to interact with special Favor cards connected to the God(s) associated with their deck. Players begin each game with their Favor cards in exile.

All Favor cards are associated with a color, but are colorless. Once per turn, any time a player may play a sorcery, they may choose a Favor card in their exile zone and activate the "Rainbow Bridge" ability of that card. The Rainbow Bridge ability (which is visually alluded to on Favor cards, and is intrinsic to how they work) is as follows:

Rainbow Bridge
Perform one of the following:

Then advance the Favor counter by one and activate the Favor card's ability for the Level you advanced it to.

Because each Favor card follows the same pattern (a banned basic land type, then 1/2/3 abilities that all want one mana of the color, then one land of the basic land type, then one 4+ CMC creature of the color), card design uses visual conventions to reduce the amount of text needed. Visual indications are as follows:

An example Favor card is shown below. Note that because using the Rainbow Bridge on a card advances a counter, but there is no means to later move the counter back, each ability may not be used more than once per game. In some ways, this is similar to the Level Up mechanic in Magic, or to simply ticking up a die from 1 to 2 to 3 on a card in order to activate an ability at each new level.

The Gods

When a player has used the Rainbow Bridge enough times on a given Favor card, they may put an associated God token into play.

Gods have a special ability called Aesir. This ability has several effects:

The Gods have casting costs for rules purposes, but note that there is no way to cast them practically speaking.

One God, Freya, has an ability that introduces a new kind of counter called a "love counter." Love counters have two effects, which always apply, regardless of what state Freya's Favor and Freya, Goddess of Love are in:

Freya's Favor includes reminder text about these effects.

List of Favor & God Cards

Odin, the All Father

Loki, the Trickster God

Thor, God of Thunder

Tyr, God of War

Heimdall, the Watcher

Baldur, God of Light

Freya, Goddess of Beauty

Freyr, God of Fertility

Hel, Goddess of Death

Surtr, the Destroyer


Finally, there is a special land players may play in any deck. This land is restricted. Players will receive a single copy of this land to include in their deck.



Is there mana burn?
No. Twilight of the Gods uses Swedish rules, which have no mana burn.

Can I play Fallen Empires cards?
No. Twilight of the Gods uses Swedish rules, which do not allow Fallen Empires.

Can I play CE power?
Yes. Though Twilight of the Gods uses Swedish rules, it follows typical US reprint policies (original art, original frame is all OK).

Can I play proxies?


Do creatures have to go to Valhalla?
No. Going to Valhalla is optional. You may choose to let the creature go to your graveyard (for example, if you want to be able to use Hel's Favor's level 1 Favor ability to reanimate it).

How can I return creatures from Valhalla to play?
As a sorcery, you may remove a creature from Valhalla (aka, remove a Valkyrie counter from it) and pay its mana cost to cast a copy of that creature spell.

At the beginning of game 3, you may place a copy of all creatures you noted into play before players draw their hands.

What causes a creature to go to Valhalla?
Creatures only go to Valhalla if they die, are exiled, or are countered solely as a result of things your opponents control. Some examples:

Does Oubliette send a creature to Valhalla?
No. Under current rules, a Oubliette phases a creature out. It does not exile or otherwise kill it.

Can creatures in Shahrazad subgames go to Valhalla?
No. Valhalla does not function in any way during subgames. You may not send creatures to Valhalla, nor may you remove Valkyrie counters from them to put copies of them into play.

Can lands go to Valhalla?
Perhaps. An activated Mishra's Factory cannot (it's an Artifact), but a land animated by Living Plane or Living Lands could. However, note that you may not play lands from Valhalla, only cast creature spells. So it is probably better to let the lands go to your graveyard if they become animated and are killed.

What happens with creature cards left in Valhalla in game 3?
Before drawing their hands and making mulligan decisions, you may place a copy of all noted creatures onto the battlefield. Because they will begin turn 1 under your control, they do not have summoning sickness.

Do my creatures from Valhalla carry over to my next match?
No. The list of noted creatures who ended a game still in Valhalla (== with a Valkyrie counter on them) resets at the beginning of each match.

Favor Cards

When can I activate Favor cards?
Unless otherwise specified (e.g., following Surtr's Aesir ability), you may use the Rainbow Bridge as a sorcery to activate a Favor card. You may not under any circumstance use the Rainbow Bridge more than once per turn.

Can Favor cards be used in Shahrazad subgames?
Yes. You may use Favor cards and summon gods normally in Shahrazad subgames. Be sure to keep track of the state of Favor cards and gods in the original game if you use your copies of Favor cards and gods in the subgames.

What do abilities that say "your graveyard, Valhalla, or exile zone" mean?
Each player has their own graveyard and Valhalla zones, but the exile is shared. The phrase above is a shorter way of referring to "a creature card you own in your graveyard, your Vallhala zone, or the exile zone." You may not use these abilities to target, use, or otherwise affect cards you do not own.

What cards modify when I can use Favor cards?

Land Type Cheat Sheet

The number of Gods you have access to depends on your choice of colors. For convenience, here is how many Gods you have access to depending on the number of basic land types you choose:

The table below shows the specific combinations of basic land types, and which gods are available to decks containing that combination of basic lands:

Basic Lands Mana Common Name Type Gods Accessible
No Basic Lands Mono Brown No Color No Gods - ILLEGAL DECK
Mono Blue Mono Odin, Loki
Mono Red Mono Thor, Tyr
Mono White Mono Heimdall, Baldur
Mono Green Mono Freya, Freyr
Mono Black Mono Hel, Surtr
Islands, Plains
Azorius Allied Odin, Loki, Heimdall, Baldur
Islands, Swamps
Dimir Allied Odin, Loki, Hel, Surtr
Mountains, Forests
Gruul Allied Thor, Tyr, Freya, Freyr
Mountains, Swamps
Rakdos Allied Thor, Tyr, Hel, Surtr
Plains, Forests
Selesnya Allied Heimdall, Baldur, Freya, Freyr
Islands, Forests
Simic Enemy Loki, Freyr
Islands, Mountains
Izzet Enemy Odin, Tyr
Mountains, Plains
Boros Enemy Thor, Heimdall
Plains, Swamps
Orzhov Enemy Baldur, Hel
Forests, Swamps
Golgari Enemy Freya, Surtr
Plains, Islands, Swamps
Esper Shard Odin, Loki, Baldur, Hel
Swamps, Mountains, Forests
Jund Shard Thor, Tyr, Freya, Surtr
Forests, Plains, Islands
Bant Shard Heimdall, Baldur, Loki, Freyr
Mountains, Forests, Plains
Naya Shard Freya, Freyr, Thor, Heimdall
Islands, Swamps, Mountains
Grixis Shard Hel, Surtr, Odin, Tyr
Forests, Islands, Mountains
Temur Wedge Freyr, Tyr
Islands, Mountains, Plains
Jeskai Wedge Odin, Heimdall
Mountains, Plains, Swamps
Mardu Wedge Thor, Hel
Swamps, Forests, Islands
Sultai Wedge Surtr, Loki
Plains, Swamps, Forests
Abzan Wedge Baldur, Freya
Mountains, Plains, Forests, Swamps
Dune-Brood Nephilim Thor, Freya
Islands, Plains, Forests, Swamps
Witch-Maw Nephilim Loki, Baldur
Islands, Mountains, Forests, Swamps
Glint-Eye Nephilim Tyr, Surtr
Islands, Mountains, Plains, Swamps
Yore-Tiller Nephilim Odin, Hel
Islands, Mountains, Plains, Forests
Ink-Treader Nephilim Heimdall, Freyr
All Basic Lands
5-Color 5-Color No Gods - ILLEGAL DECK

If you have any questions or feedback on these rules, please contact us at emeraldcitytrolls@gmail.com. See you in Valhalla!


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