Emerald City Trolls: Seattle Old School MtG


emerald city

This is the page where post our random musings, because this is the internet and that is what it is for.


  1. The Satanic Panic Tournament Organizer's Report

  2. Ragnarok Tournament Organizer's Report

  3. Fire Walk With Me Recap: It Is Happening, Again!

  4. Building RUG Aggro, Part 2: Sideboard and Tweaks

  5. Building RUG Aggro, Part 1: The Main Deck

  6. Maze of Ith Recap: Hasbro Doesn't Want You To Know About This One Weird Tournament

  7. Nightmare '99 Recap: It's About Time You Jerk

  8. April 2020 Type 1.5: First Place with Emerald City Control

  9. It's About Time: Tempo in Chess and Old School Magic

  10. Adventures in Crustacean Tricking: My Lobstercon 2019 Report

  11. Recap: The Brothers' War Showdown

  12. Talking Shop: Workshops Aggro and The Battle for the Sound

  13. Fast Lanes, Slow Lanes

  14. Home

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